Foreign Agent Intel
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News from Russia, from an English ExPat living in Saint Petersburg
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September 05, 2024

Actor Dmitry Dostoevsky, the only great-grandson of Fyodor Dostoevsky, has died in St Petersburg. According to SHOT, he died in his sleep - there was a cardiac arrest

In a conversation with us, Dmitry's son Alexei said that a few days before his death, his father caught a cold, doctors prescribed treatment. He lay down to rest, died in his sleep. Preliminary, Dostoevsky will be buried in the Smolensk cemetery.

Dmitry Andreyevich was 79 years old. He was born in 1945. The actor starred in three films: ‘The Boys,’ ‘Dostoevsky's Journey’ and ‘His Majesty's Secret Service’. He worked as a tram driver until his retirement. His route #34 passed through historical places associated with his great-grandfather.

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August 18, 2024
4000+ People A WEEK Returning from The West to Mariupol!

In just two years Mariupol has become a vibrant city attracting not just tourists, but people who previously fled to Western countries. They see that not only is the city is rapidly regenerating but happiness has also returned to a city devastated by Western funded Nazis and terrorists, now blossoming as part of the Russian federation.

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From within Russia:
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From the West:

Fighting For What Is Right - Aiden Minnis

Before he deployed to his frontline Assault Brigade, I met with Aiden Minnis near his camp to understand not only why he joined the Russian Army, but the consequences it has had, his experience and what advice he has for others thinking of doing the same.

Aiden is fully aware of the evil the UK government is capable of, being of Irish descent, his ancestors were victims of England's crimes of brutality and genocide. Today, Aiden and his family have been villified and persecuted in England following his decision to do what he describes as "righteous" and "The Lords work".

Aiden is not alone, but he is one of the first of a large and increasing number of not only British but people from numerous other Western nations making the difficult and sometimes dangerous journey to Russia to fight for what they believe is right and against what they believe is a global satanical, tyrannical eilte that is waging war not only against Russia, but against western citizens and their societies as a ...

Scott Bennett on Russia's Geopolitical Strategy: Constitutional Authority & Western Tensions

In this insightful discussion, former US Army Psychological Warfare Officer Scott Bennett delves into Russia's complex interactions with the West amid ongoing conflicts. He examines the impact of Russian military actions in Donbass, the role of constitutional authority, and how these factors shape global politics. Bennett also explores Russia's appeal as a stronghold of traditional values and its implications for those seeking stability. Join us to gain a deeper understanding of Russia's geopolitical strategy and the challenges it faces in the modern diplomatic arena.

Watch his full length documentary here:

”D-Day For Ukraine” Scholz BANS OPPOSITION PARTY. France Opposes NATO+ in Tokyo

D-Day dawns for Ukraine:
American reconnaissance drone spotted near Crimea:
Saldo said that militarily the situation after the emergency at the hydroelectric power station was in favour of Russia:
Scholz decides to ban the Alternative for Germany party:
US and NATO are trying to poach Moscow's ally:
France opposes opening NATO office in Japan:
Milonov called the reasons for the mass conversion of American Christians to Orthodoxy:

”D-Day For Ukraine” Scholz BANS OPPOSITION PARTY. France Opposes NATO+ in Tokyo
September 06, 2024


If God has a vacation destination on earth, it's Crimea.


Nizhny Novgorod Provence!

Olga talks about how she started her flower farm and what it is like to turn them into refined products.

Ask the Inspector Ep. 188 (streams live on August 27 at 3 PM ET)

Scott Ritter answers questions from the audience with host Jeff Norman most Friday nights at 5 PM PT/8 PM ET/1 AM GMT and most Tuesdays at noon PT/3PM ET/8PM GMT. Special Guest this episode: Indpendent Journalist Richard Medhurst

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